Unlocking innovation requires a mix of the right mindsets and methods.
However, many organisations struggle to bridge the gap between their innovation ambition and their actual behaviours, processes, and metrics. One crucial element that is often missing is an Innovation Mindset.
In this workshop, you will discover the four fundamental attitudes that underpin successful innovation practices, organisational structures, and creative methods. Gain the tools you need to cultivate an Innovation Mindset and drive meaningful change within your organisation.
Topics Covered:
Explore the fundamentals of an Innovation Mindset:
Key Learnings:
Learn how to embed the critical mindsets, attitudes, and behaviours in your practice to:
Matt Whale
How To Impact, Managing Director
Matt is Managing Director of How To Impact and Head of Innovation within the Deepend Group. He is a leader of innovation strategy, insight and delivery, with a long career in cross-functional project leadership, disruptive innovation and thought leadership.
With over 20 years of innovation consulting and a further 10 years of brand and marketing consulting, he brings a combination of left- and right-brain thinking that has helped unlock innovation challenges in over 200 different innovation briefs.
Please note: AMI Webinars are FREE for AMI members and 30AUD for non-members; they will be available to watch on demand in the AMI Content Library.